Thursday, August 16, 2007

the mumblings which went blank!

There are times I wonder
Why life has turned out like this
Wonder why don’t I just surrender
To ignorance, for aint that bliss?

Knowledge is power so it is said
Only the knowledgeable rule
Ignorants! Oh! Off with their heads!
Still the parliament is a nursery school.

Anyways in the hustle and bustle
Its hard work to smell the roses
With a shove here and there a scuffle
To survive without bleeding noses.

Cynical this rhyme has become
What happened to good old limericks?
Probably the next one and some
Humour might just do the trick


PaintItRed said...

u are abso right... i didn't understand this at all... involved funda slightly i think!

Nandita said...

Very Good Madam... and welcome back!!!!